Mail to Messy

By Horomaka

Nor'Wester from the Rakaia Bridge

For the second day in a row I've broken out of the Valley. This could become a habit if I'm not too careful!

A quick trip to Ashburton to see the in-laws meant a chance to take the camera and capture some more scenes from the Outside World. On the journey down I stretched out on the backseat, but with my flash articulated brace I now have enough movement in my leg that I could bend enough to sit in the front on the return journey (with a pillow under my leg, just to take a bit more weight).

Of course sitting on the left of the car on the way north meant the chance to take this shot looking west towards the alps, halfway across the Rakaia bridge. Today's unseasonal temperatures (20 degrees C - not bad for the second day of winter) was all down to the Nor'West, giving us these amazing high clouds and crisp views of the mountains.

Finally, big thanks to everyone who commented on yesterday's view. Here's hoping I can get out again soon.

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