Spot of Gold

Last night I went to bed at about Midnight and read for about half an hour. This morning Miss L came in at 5am sobbing that she didn't want to be on her own any more!
Her wriggling and moaning about being hungry and thirsty along with the dawn chorus ensured no more sleep for me. Marvelous!
To be fair Miss L did go to sleep just before 5pm last night so twelve hours isn't a bad stint!
Then it was down to Heathrow to see Mr K off on another work trip to India.
Another week of lone parenting which is tough.
Another week of uninterrupted trashy TV which is great!!
We actually took the Little Misses into the terminal today which they loved. I had to laugh on the way back to the car when Miss E said it was the most exciting thing about the day so far. I love her optimism that there might always be something better around the corner.
When we got back Miss E had a shower and even with half a bottle of conditioner in her hair it still took me about half an hour to get all the knots - and straw - out! Time for a haircut I think!!
Then, thinking I had to leave the house at noon I ran round like a mad thing getting them dressed, getting Miss E to write a birthday card and wrapping a birthday present.
We were ready with minutes to spare.
Which was unfortunate because the party wasn't at 12.45pm but 1.45pm!!
At least I realised my mistake before we actually left.
After a bit of Dora the Explorer action it was eventually time to leave and I dropped Miss E off at Pizza Hut and then went over to John Lewis with Miss L and a few of the other Mums for tea and cake.
And sunscreen shopping. I still looked like a panda this morning and I hate sunblock on my face so I treated myself to some Elemis Liquid Layer SPF30.
Now I just need to even myself out a bit!
A good time was had by all at the party. When I got back Miss E was tucking into a bowl of ice cream overflowing with smarties and chocolate sprinkles, she had a balloon tied to her shoe and seemed pretty happy!
Miss L had fun too running around with one of Miss E's classmates. Very sweet.
Now I've put the Little Misses to bed early, I've eaten my dinner (straight out of the serving bowl!!) and I'm watching The Voice (which is so much more enjoyable without Mr K's sniffy comments expert critique!)
Back to school tomorrow and a much needed rest day for me. I'm knackered!!

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