Swimming in the Lake

First day back at school for the Little Misses. And a much needed day of rest for me!
I had plans to try and bring back some order to the house - half term and three days out in a row has taken its toll!!
But instead I decided to get some information together for my CV. Oh my God, it took me all day!
I was knee deep in P45s and P60s and payslips and travel diaries (to see when I was away)
I was looking at a few vacancies that might work and filled in an application form. They want to know what day of which month you started a job. I can barely remember the year!!
I think I got there in the end but it was a long day!
At the end of my long day I went to the lake again with Miss K. This time I bit the bullet and did the 1100m course. Right round the lake!
I was slow but made it round in one piece. It was miles!!!
The last few hundred metres were a long slog. My arms and legs were moving but I didn't seem to be getting very far! One of the canoeists came over again to ask if was OK!!
But I did it! And felt very pleased with myself.
If a bit wobbly when I got out!!

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