
I had a terrible night last night. I fall half asleep really quickly but was irrationally worried that Mr K had gone into the garden to move the pots before the hurricane arrived. Then obviously he had fallen over and banged his head and was laying out there waiting for me to go and call an ambulance.
But because I was half asleep I didn't actually get up to see where he was I just lay there half asleep all night going round in a loop.
I didn't see Mr K this morning but there was a cup of tea made for me so I'm assuming he's alive and well!!
My alarm went off at 7am but unfortunately I turned it off without snoozing it and didn't wake up until 8am. Naturally the Little Misses chose today not to come in to see me at the crack of dawn!
So it was a bit of a chaotic rush - including getting their PE kits dried in half an hour.
And having stern words with myself for leaving it to the Monday after half term to get round to washing their PE kits.
And having sterner words (in my head) with Mr K for forgetting to hang it all out last night!
And lots of stern words with the Little Misses for faffing around rather than getting ready.
They got in on time. Just. Although I noticed when I got home that I'd forgotten to put Miss L's trainers in her bag. Sigh.
I can't really be bothered with tidying at the moment - what's the point if it all needs packing up soon anyway?!
But even I thought things have spiralled a little out of control so I did a little bit of housework before Mrs L popped round for a cup of tea with loopy Mr T. Good to see them as ever.
Then a bit more housework before going to get the Little Misses.
A little bit of order in the chaos!!
Miss L burst into floods of tears when I picked her up. Her PE teacher had shouted at her earlier for not having her trainers. Apparently she should be solely responsible for getting her things ready for school and packing her bags......
Well she is five. 
In fact when I think about it she should be doing her own laundry, and cooking her own meals. 
And it's about time she started contributing to her board and lodging.
She's obviously feeling a little over emotional at the moment because on the way home Miss E and I were discussing when her birthday would next be on a Saturday. I said it would be 2019 - her last year at primary school. 
Miss L dissolved into inconsolable tears and sobbed that Miss E would be at a different school to her then.
It was heartbreaking.
If a little premature!
One pound off at Fat Club tonight. Back within my target range. Again!
Just need to stay there.

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