The Daisies are Coming

The daisies in the front garden are about a foot tall now! I think a few more days of sun and they'll all be bursting into flower.
Today started bright and early at 5am. If anyone would like to borrow a fairly sweet, generally well behaved little girl until the mornings are dark again then please let me know!!!
Back to school today for the Little Misses. And a much needed relaxing day for me!
I did a bit of tidying and sorting, got a few jobs out the way that I've been meaning to do, and just generally mooched around. It was lovely!!
I did have to laugh this morning - I got back from school, made myself a cup of tea, opened the French doors in the living room and plonked myself down on the sofa to begin my to-do list.
The sun was streaming in, the birds were singing and I felt very content with my lot.
Then - not two minutes after I'd opened the door - next door fired up some sort of generator/cement mixer/digger/pneumatic drill and the spell was broken!!
Annoying people!
Not as annoying as the Little Misses were before bed. But they're asleep now, the door is open and I can hear nothing but birds.

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