
By biddy

Anyone for a picnic!

Today, Sunday, we set off after breakfast to go up to Loughrigg Terrace which is on the lower fellside above Rydal and Grasmere lakes.
I think we made the right choice to go early.
The River Rothay had flooded over its banks and was a fast flowing noisy torrent. Having negotiated our way from the White Moss car park in order to get to the bridge, we were glad of our tough walking boots.
I’ve included two video links.
One is the bridge we crossed and the other the view of Grasmere Lake from the fellside.
I was so pleased that I managed the fairly steep initial short climb up through the woods on to the footpath which winds its way along the terrace.
I just love being out there.
On our way back later, a large group were trying to find a way to get to the bridge. We couldn’t believe the kind of footwear they were wearing!
One guy in flip flops and some ladies in flimsy sparkly canvas shoes!
I doubted that they would make it.
But crazy people are a often nightmare for the Fell Rescue people.
Later we made our way back down and came into Grasmere for lunch.
Another trip down memory lane.
The very last photo Stephen took of our son Matt, was when they had both climbed up to the summit of Helm Crag, the hot summer of 2006.
It’s in a photo frame at home. Matt proudly standing on the highest rock and smiling into the camera.
Here are the video links to YouTube.

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