Marjorie's ramblings

By walkingMarj

A very wet one!

Henry and Christine led our walk from Wark today.

Showers were forecast in the afternoon, but they came, intermittently, in the morning. Waterproofs on - off - on -off. You get the picture.

We had our lunch in Birtley village where they have picnic tables in a children's play park. The heavens opened. The rain was spectacular. We tried to put ourselves on the far side of large trees to reduce the water flow but it was hopeless. 

After a few minutes, a man with a key to the village hall appeared and let us in. We dripped over the floor. We were so very grateful.

Our group photo is taken in the hall and is also to wish our friend BJ, in California, a Happy Birthday. You can see how miserable we were after the rain........

Tonight I went to hear a talk about the signs of early Christianity in the small islands on the west coast of Scotland. The speaker had visited as many as she could, hiring a boat when necessary. She was quite intrepid but looked like any other Anglican priest in her older years. It just shows how appearances can be deceptive.

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