Marjorie's ramblings

By walkingMarj

Inula helenium

We have survived the hottest day on record. I have tried to do hardly anything except read.

Mum went into the spare bedroom much earlier and we managed to keep the room cool until mid afternoon. Then the temperature was 26.5 and this was definitely the coolest room in the house.

Now, at 9pm, I can hardly bear to be in the upstairs rooms. (I am, because my study is upstairs.) I may have to sleep downstairs tonight. Rain is promised for two hours close to midnight.

In the garden, some plants have collapsed or have shed all their petals. It's quite dramatic.

We have a border where Inutla Helenium has almost taken over. It really is a thug, but a good doer! I'm not as keen on the open flowers as I am on the buds. The shapes are wonderful. They provide late summer food for butterflies and bees too.

Tomorrow I'm planning on walking with the Intermediate group when the temperature has dropped significantly. I hope the weather forecast is correct.

The combine harvester has been in the field behind our house all day, creating huge clouds of dust. I have opened all the windows now and can hear that they have started up again!!  They will probably work all night.

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