Kaybees Bits

By Kaybee

Just Cut The Damned Thing........

I don't know who packed the meals for delivery today but half the bags were not tied properly which meant the boxes (think take-away) were in danger of spilling all over my car ... or the pavement.
There was also no logic to the packing of the crates so I had to repack them all before heading off.
The other problem was the meals for one family had not been packed -- so when we got back to The Larder Ewan had to go and make up the bags (poor Ewan always gets the blame for anything that goes wrong).

SWMBO grabbed a drink before we headed back up to deliver the missing meals  ..... and continue on to do the second route (see these people who take holidays...........)
The only problem on that one was finding the address for the last drop off. It was in a HUGE housing estate in Bathgate which is is made up of dozens of cul-de-sacs when a single 'street can be divided into several cul-de-sacs which can link into other cul-de-sacs with very similar names. It was a nightmare. We stopped and asked 3 different residents and none of them could help and said that they still get lost after staying there for a number of years ...... but we got there in the end.
6 1/2 hours............

The picture is one of the meal recipients at his front door holding his meals ... and NO! it is not down to the angle of view -- the door is almost totally covered by that bush. He must just about crawl in and out of the house.

The slugs have finally  found the Hosta

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