
By Flossmo


Unfortunately it was a nice warm, sunny day. I say unfortunately because it meant that I couldn't hide out in my studio and play with paint. Dry weather has been in such short supply that when we have it I feel duty bound to do something useful outdoors.

We started with a bit more garage decluttering. Actually I say we, although it was Mr Flossmo who made the pile of stuff to go to the recyling centre and it was me who started taking things out of the pile and putting them back on the shelves... It's such a fine line between keeping stuff that we might need in the future and letting stuff go. We found a compromise

Mr Flossmo then spent some time on gutter maintenance and I did the thankless, though ultimately worthwhile, task of sorting out plant pots. My shambolic collection was emptied of any residual compost, cleaned and neatly stacked according to size. After that I tidied my small plastic greenhouse and potted up a couple of plants.

Mid afternoon Mr Flossmo announced that he fancied an ice-cream. He got in his car and drove off in the direction of the convenience store. A few minutes later he returned with said items. However, with impeccable Mr Flossmo logic he brought back six ice creams - apparently they come in packs of three and as there are only two of us... I think I see how it works.

We had a quiet evening watching the latest developments in the Trumpathon. This is one you definitely couldn't make up.  


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