
By carliewired

82 F/28 C

It was a two-stop
blip today, the wildlife and
the wildfire smoke, too!


I was late out the door this morning. The air quality did not encourage me at all. I thought I'd head out to Vantage Point and make a stop for groceries on the way back. 

I had to pull over for some quick photos as three bucks were raiding a plum tree. I think they could be the three amigos who appear in my backyard. I caught sight of them in a front yard half way to Vantage Point. I was surprised how clear and bright it was at that location. 

I drove through the construction zone to take the turnoff to Vantage Point. Visibility there was not good. I got some shots around the float plane dock. 

I picked up my groceries in the same neighbourhood and was home by 9. I'm in for the day. 

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