
By Jamjar

It was all go this morning... well not for me, for the Workers outside. 

The Council tarmacing gang arrived before 8.30 and began to prepare their section, so I moved my car onto the cul de sac opposite so that I wouldn't get stuck. Literally. Directly after that the man arrived to clean out the gutters, and promptly reversed onto my drive.

Gutterman used my electricity and my water for cleaning both mine and next door's gutters, which turned out to take three hours, much longer than I'd anticipated. Because I'm a semi, next door had arranged it for both of us, with my permission obviously, but at £158 each I'm not sure it was the cheapest. I don't know if I got a discount for the power and water, but he did clean my garage door!

I'd messaged the Mind shop to say I was going to be late, but of course I couldn't leave before next door was finished due to the cable going through the kitchen window, but at last he was done.

I only worked for three hours in the Mind shop as I'd got a chest x-ray appointment, so at 3 o'clock I left my car parked up and caught the bus to the hospital and back - better than trying to park. And by the time I got home the tarmac was drive-overable.

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