Living my dream

By Mima

From the cemetery, overlooking the village

It is another peerless day in beautiful North Otago. 

Bean and I had a morning with G, pottering about in her garden and planting trees, whacking in supports and then spreading two enormous bales of pea straw to suppress future weeds. All in the sunshine. We were down to t-shirts and had to stop for water after an hour. It's almost like summer.

I have scored a handful of old bales of pea straw from G, in exchange for more sourdough and cheese. It will make all the difference to a 'difficult' herbaceous bed which gets weedy and is rarely at the top of my priority list when I'm in the garden.

To my utter delight I have a pair of Bellbirds cavorting with each other in the trees close to the truck and study. There was a nesting pair Chez Mima last spring, but I didn't catch sight nor sound of the romancing. They are much bolder now and ignore the fact that I'm only about five metres away.

I am fortunate indeed.

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