
By Marionb

The Glory of Morning

A nice surprise in my front flower bed... a morning glory popped up out of uninvited guest, but a welcome one. Now I will have some seeds to plant in a spot more suitable for it next year - a spot where it will be more in its "glory" and not all tangled up in my hydrangea bushes! 

I tried taking photos of it with my Canon camera - the one that I have not yet mastered...and by that, I mean not even the auto settings! I ended up using my phone instead..but I vowed to spend some time today working my way through the manual and will try again tomorrow to see if I can do a better job with that camera. Stay tuned..

So, the day started out with this lovely bloom but, trust me, the morning was anything but glorious! Remember how I loved that little raccoon that used to sleep up in my big tree? Well, I don't anymore.... love him, I mean...A raccoon (who else could it possible be) managed last night to knock over my garbage bin and strew garbage all over the carport! Not a great way to start one's day..but no, wait, there is more...I cleaned all that up and locked down the garbage bin lid and added a bungee cord and a big cement block on top, thinking "Try that again, you little monster. We'll see just how clever you are now!" 

The big deck bin where I store all the birdseed sits next to the garbage can, so I thought, why not fill the feeders while I am right here..I opened the lid and "Drat!" (putting it mildly for family-reading purposes) that rascal had somehow lifted the lid and got down into the bin..emptied two of three containers with locked tops so that the whole bin was deep in bird seed, and pooped in the third! I almost cried..and I wished out loud that I hoped the little devil had serious digestive issues after eating all that seed... 

After cleaning up that mess, I stopped at my little "sit and read" deck next to the carport in search of a garden tool and voila! Yes.. the little brat DID have digestive issues!  All over the deck! One more darned thing to clean up before my morning coffee..which I had, sitting on the front porch with that morning glory at my feet, reminding me that there was probably still hope for some glory in this day...and I hoped there would be, as it was my "consultation" day with my surgeon, a day which always brings on some trepidation. 

Of course, the consultation was only to set up a routine follow-up test, but even so, it brings to mind worries that I have managed to suppress - worries about what a test might find...So at least I now have a date when I will know if there was anything to worry about!


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