
By Marionb

There are Days ...

..when nothing seems to go right... like when good things you have looked forward to have disappointing glitches...This was one of those days ...

My volume 3 Photo-book of France was delivered today! I had been anxiously awaiting its arrival...looking forward to the moment...I had made a very special effort this time to ensure that there would not be a single typo in the entire book - I have been really frustrated in the past, because there has always been at least one, no matter how hard I tried. This time, I was confident that it would be absolutely perfect..NOT. I didn't find one typo - I found 6! 

It was also "haircut with highlights" day..and I was really looking forward to that too. I had the cut-that-didn't-work last time and had high hopes for this one..and visions of glamour with the added "highlights"... Not. The highlights were more like low lights...not glamorous...and not at all what I expected. 

And then the pièce de résistance...the Great Book Club Fiasco.......first, there was a problem with the zoom set up for our friend in Nova Scotia which meant that we lost 10 minutes of the already too short 40-minute session zoom allows us. However, we still had a good (30 minute) zoom conversation about the book (Greenwood, by Michael Christie) which by the way, everyone liked. Our after-zoom discussion and social chat for the rest of us went well, but just as I was ready to put our dinner in the oven, there was a loud bang and the power went out!  Geez,.. give me a break...We called the power company and yes the power would be out in our neighbourhood until 9PM. We considered take-out, but decided to just open another bottle of wine and keep pigging out on the snacks instead. 

The day wasn't a total loss... there was one good (and glitch-less) thing that happened ...Sandy informed us about the 2023 Book Drunkard Literary Festival  taking place in a nearby town from now until early November that definitely needs investigation! Author talks, workshops... oooohhh.. Has great possibilities.. and a new term for us book fanatics...we are Book Drunkards! 

"I am simply a Book Drunkard. Books have the same irresistible temptation for me that liquor has its devotee.I cannot withstand them" 
(Lucy Maude Montgomery, Canadian author)

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