Dull Daisy

I kept waiting for the sun to come out today to get a picture of the daisies looking pretty. It didn't and they stayed dull.
For the first time ever this morning I had to sign Miss E in with the school secretary as she missed registration. Oops! We've cut it pretty fine before but today was the first time we were actually too late. The classroom was empty and all the kids had gone to assembly!
After I dropped the Little Misses off I carried on to Oxford to see the dietitian about Miss L. It felt a bit weird going to the Children's Ward for an appointment without her but it made it so much easier to talk to the woman. She didn't really tell me anything I didn't know but she had a few useful tips, a whole heap of vouchers for manufacturer's freebies and she's writing to our GP to sort out getting bread on prescription for Miss L. So it was a worthwhile visit!
Then it was home for a bit of nothingy afternoon of half-hearted housework and a bit of relaxing in the sofa.
I should clarify that for all my talk of endlessly sorting and cleaning I don't actually ever seem to have an organised, clean and tidy house - I just manage to keep the total chaos at bay!
Perhaps I should just hire a skip and throw everything away. Go for the minimalist look!

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