
Habits are hard things to keep. I am either all-in on something or I just give up. I have been wondering why some habits are easier to stick to than others.  I think, like a lot of people, I find flossing my teeth a hard habit to maintain. So, out if interest, last night I timed how much of my day would be taken up by follow the dental regime that my dentist would like me to. And it came in at under three and a half minutes.  I waste more moments than that each day watching pointless social media videos. I wonder if writing this down will make me realise that three and a bit minutes is something I can do every night? I am not holding my breath to even make it two nights in a row!

Today turned out into a much busier day than I had imagined. We had to create some FAQs for our product and I spent the day both writing and validating what I had written by watching back some technical videos. I am so immersed that 4:30pm turned up before I realised and I was due to be on a train platform by 5:10pm. I made it out of the house with a few minutes to spare. I was carrying quite a lot of heavy luggage as I had a present for a party we are attending on Saturday and a couple of kitchen doors for The Island flat.

After I had been stood on the platform for a few minutes it became obvious that my Guilford train was not going to arrive and had been cancelled. If there was an announcement, I missed it, but I did notice that it had dropped off the board.  Frustratingly, my phone was struggling to get a data connection and so it was proving hard to find an alternative.  I connected to the station Wi-Fi and it told me, just in time, that the train coming into the adjacent platform would connect me through too Portsmouth - although I would miss the ferry I was aiming for.  The journey had an additional change to the route I had planned to take but it did allow me to get a another picture at Surbiton station. I love the lines on this picture.

Every time I do this trip I am grateful that I leave sufficient time to get get a later (and at this time of year, the last) ferry, The journey itself was uneventful and I spent most of it listening to podcasts with various radio presenters telling stories of how they got into the industry.  I had some time to kill while waiting for the ferry but I chose to wait in the Wightlink terminal instead of searching for a coffee or anything like that.  

The walk to the flat was, probably, the most difficult bit of the journey. I’d told PY to put dinner on instead of meeting me but I hadn’t appreciated how heavy the present and doors wold be be on the 15-minute walk. By the time I arrived, my hands had lines marked in them from the bags. I was very glad I’d brought gloves to protect them a little bit.

We had pizza and a lovely evening.  Once I set foot  on The Island it’s all very relaxing.

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