
By fitzbilly

Last Day Today

The last shopper deserts the shop. Well maybe not the last, but one of the last, as they close their doors later today. A shame about all those people losing their jobs. We used to spend what I considered a small fortune on bird food with them on line. but I guess it wasn't enough to save them.

We collected my suit for the wedding today (not from Wilko) and I am relieved to say that I still like it and after the alterations it fits well. Mrsfb bought a bag to go with her outfit too, so we are nearly there now. She used the Google Wallet app on her phone to show her John Lewis card. I was impressed. She said it was easy but she would rather have a physical card.

The Historical Society talk was really interesting last night, all about Rosemary Verey and her contribution to 20th century gardening. We had never heard of her, but most of the others nodded knowingly at various points when other gardeners or gardens were mentioned. We had only heard of Elton John and Mick Jagger who were said to be among her clients. A couple of people said they were surprised to see me there, aware of my low interest in hands on gardening. 

There was some mention of advances in garden photography, particularly the introduction of Fuji Velvia film. I had heard of that as there is a film simulation setting on my 100V, and also a film effect setting in Nik filters.

One year ago:
Counting Sheep

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