
By Marionb

On the Beach

..and almost alone - except for one lone fellow strolling along the shore ahead of me...What a treat..the weather changed drastically, the sun came out and it was a great day to get out and about. 

Mary left for the city this morning to visit an old friend, so I drove out of town to my favourite Feed Store to re-stock my empty-after-the-raccoon-raid bird seed bins...and then, before heading home, drove to one of our beaches to enjoy the sunshine and take some photos. It was ever so relaxing to just sit and gaze out at the water..

Still in a non-cooking mood, we sought out a fish and chip shop highly recommended by my neighbour next door ..and she was absolutely right was perfect! (Another discovery of a great place to indulge in no-prep dinners...) 

Tomorrow morning is book club here at my house - a change of plan,  as it was supposed to be next door at my neighbour's house but she and her husband have COVID! Déjà vu all over again, n'est-e pas? 

Mary and I have read the book ( Looking for Jane) of course, but that doesn't mean we remember it in enough detail to discuss it, so Mary decided to re-read it while she was here.... which turned out to be a  good idea, because as she was working her way through it again, we discovered and were astonished at how much we had forgotten - not tiny details but major plot twists! Yikes!  Very scary. But now we should be able to hold our own in the discussion tomorrow...:))

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