An ordinary life....

By Damnonii

Gold and green...

Up and out early this morning to head to the hospital for another hysteroscopy.  I swear I should get a loyalty card from the Gynae Dept!

The Consultant I usually see is on holiday so the nurse I saw on arrival informed me that the practitioner performing my procedure today wasn't a doctor but a senior nurse specialist and this was her first day of running the clinic on her own since qualifying and I was her first patient.  Gulp!  Well I needn't have worried.  She was fantastic!  

We had a long chat before my procedure about what's been happening over the last two years and my concerns about the side effects of the hormone treatment I am on.  She's going to discuss all of that with the Consultant.  Then it was down to business.  The procedure was still uncomfortable (I had forgotten to take painkillers before I went!) but she and the two nurses were so kind, and so good at distracting me, it was over and done with and I was on my way out without feeling the need of the usual cuppa and digestive biscuit.

Home for lunch and listening to the absolute delightful sound of Alan laughing heartily at Friends.  He used to be obsessed by Rachel from friends and watched it constantly but it's been a while.  He rediscovered the series yesterday evening and has been literally laughing non stop all afternoon.  He must be exhausted. 

D nipped to the golf range for an hour while I made beef chilli.  I adapted the recipe I used here changing some of the spices (I added in chipotle chilli flakes) and quantities as I felt the recipe was too sweet when I made it.  I also left out out the honey and tomato sauce.  After simmering for and hour and a half I added in a piece of Green and Black's 85% cocoa solid chocolate along with the kidney beans and let it simmer in the oven for a final half an hour.  Tasted it and it's delish!  Would blow your trousers off though! LOL!  I am sure it will mellow in the freezer.

Spoke to my stepdad John on the phone.  I am very worried about him.  He's recovering well from his knee replacement but he has a shadow on his lung.  He had a CT scan today.  Hopefully he won't have to wait too long for the result and I am keeping everything crossed that all is well. 

And it's midnight again!  I don't know where the hours go!  I promise to do better at getting round journals tomorrow x

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