Marjorie's ramblings

By walkingMarj

In Corbridge

There is at least one more of these Victorian letterboxes in Corbridge.

I was there for a dental checkup. All good except an old filling is beginning to break up and needs renewing. Ho hum.

It was a bright, chilly day. I picked a few more raspberries, then a bucket of windfalls and another of apples directly from our trees. They look lovely.

Mum slipped in her bedroom last night and thought she had not done much damage. The bruise on the back of her left leg is like a large plum and set to burst. It’s hard for her to transfer from chair to wheelchair.

I can’t find a set of images that I partly processed ready for a printed panel. That wasted a lot of computer time.

On a more positive note, Camversation was a talk by Slawek Staszczuk. He took us through every step of his processing and I learned one or two new things to use.

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