
By hazelh

A bit more of the bouquet

Now that it comes to posting this photo, I realise that I should have placed the flowers in our gold vase. I can't even retake the picture because it's dark now and it would be impossible to replicate the sunlight on our fireplace. Oh well.

This is another one of the seven vases of flowers that I filled from the large bouquet of flowers that the builders working upstairs had delivered to us last Thursday.

Normally I would have spent Monday morning at the gym while Mr hazelh exercised at home. However, Mr hazelh had an appointment with the Biobank in Newcastle today, and we felt that I couldn't leave Mummy hazelh on her own in the flat for the whole morning. So instead of a Monday swim, I completed a swift 5k run round the cycle paths close to our flat.

Also today I have: ridden my exercise bike, washed and attempted to dry two loads of washing; made plans for Mummy hazelh with my middle sister; had a long phone call with my university friend Sarah, who is 60 today; shopped at LIDL; brewed a huge vat of roast tomato and basil soup; written a thank you letter to my cousin Simon and bought him and his wife Louise a present; proof-read and edited a flyer with Bruce; cleared my email; and prepared supper for the three of us. (I may well have missed out some minor details, but you get the picture of my busy-ness.)

Of course, I still have a zillion things that I hoped to do today, but those will now be on the list for tomorrow...

Exercise today: 1 hour on the exercise bike; 5k run; walking (14,718 steps, including run).

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