Life's Little Moments

By dbifulco

Polistes exclamans

Or, in plain English, a Guinea Paper Wasp, the first I've ever seen.  This time of year, the social wasp colonies have collapsed and most of the workers/males have died save a few hardy souls just hanging on until the first frost.  I honestly don't know if this is male or female although I'm guessing a male.  As it turns out, this is a female, a gyne, destined to become a foundress/queen of next year's generation.  Hopefully she will find a good sheltered place in the woods to hunker down for her winter nap.

I spent much of the day outside, stalking things in the garden while Jax mostly napped.  The temps were in the mid 70's today, our last warm day, and there was a plethora of insects in the garden as well as several intrepid little jumping spiders.  Several species of syrphidae (hoverflies) as well as a few German Yellowjackets, one big fat Queen bumble bee, several tiny sweat bees and a few unidentified tiny bees.  All in all, a very enjoyable day.

Hubs set out to complete a 62 mile bike ride this morning (in acknowledgment of an upcoming birthday).  Unfortunately, at Mile 40 he got a flat and after replacing the inner tube, the tire basically exploded.  So I ran out to pick he and the bike up.  He would have gone the full 62 miles if the tire hadn't gone on strike.  Probably his last ride of the season.  

My hands are a little achy today - wondering if the pizza I had last night might have caused some inflammation?  I still have so much to learn about this disease.

I think dark with peppermint today.


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