Life's Little Moments

By dbifulco

Another Little Brown Bird

Because I posted a female Purple Finch yesterday, I thought I'd go with a female House Finch today.  Makes it easy to compare the two species to see the differences, even though they may not be obvious at first glance.  But you can see here that this female lacks the more "masked" face of the Purple Finch and has a more streamlined head and less vivid markings on the breast.  And an overall more slender appearance.  The background compliments of the last bits of fall color in our woods.

It's been raining off and on all day so Jax hasn't wanted to be out much.  In truth, neither have I although I did huddle under the canopy on the deck for a while.  Lots of bird activity at the feeders today.  There were about 75 starlings in the front yard this morning, picking something out of the grass.  Jax was mesmerized and watched closely when they all suddenly took flight.  We are easily entertained.

We had dinner with our neighbors from across the Lane last night which was enjoyable.  They've just returned from Italy so it was fun to hear of their adventures on the Amalfi Coast.

I think dark with cherries and nuts today.


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