Kaybees Bits

By Kaybee

Road Trip

Well, not really a road trip - an early morning trip to Peebles to drop the car off for its service and MOT.
There was some lovely, misty shots on the way down - but not where it was safe to stop. SWMB took a couple of shots from the passenger seat. Unfortunately, not really knowing what she was doing to set it up, they are not great. Of course, by the time we had dropped the car off and collected the courtesy car and started heading home the clouds had built up and the fog had thickened killing any chances of more pictures.
As soon as we got onto the slip road to the city by-pass we realised that it was a mistake ...... average speed to the next off-ramp - less than 10 mph (probably near 5mph). So we came off at the next exit and took a much less direct route home, but that meant I could stop  and get a handful of shots of the lovely autumn colours of the Beech trees outside Balerno.

After lunch there was a call to see if I was free to do a pick up for The Larder in Whitburn. I thought that it would fill the time nicely before we would have to think about heading back to Peebles. It took the storeman ages to bring the stuff from the warehouse ..... and there was loads! It was a bit of a squeeze to get all the crates into the courtesy car (it is about half the size of mine) but thankfully Honda rear seats fold completely flat.
By that point it was too late to be able to drop it all off as Strathbrock would be closed so it was back to the house with the intention of storing everything in the garage before heading off to collect our car. As I stopped outside the house there was a call from the garage ...... It was an MOT failure due to a broken suspension spring. Unfortunately they didn't have the correct ones in stock so it will need to be done tomorrow ....Would it be okay for them to hang in to the car and leave me with the courtesy car? - Of course it would.
8 years and it is the only fail - and on something that is no great shakes as a fix ....... I can live with that.

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