A day in the life

By Shelling


I had the honour of "running the sound" as it's called on simpler occasions, for the band "Bluesettes", a local blues band of four women and two men, the fourth woman is behind the drums hiding behind a  cymbal covering her face. They use standard blues songs but write their own swedish translations, always from a womans perspective. 
Musically it was very good, they've been playing for thirty years and their lyrics are often brilliant. Tight and warm and about forty in the audience a  fun evening, the last one for this season. 

Concert evenings are fun but there's quite a lot of preparations for Marianne who is organising the series of concerts. In the end it doesn't pay very well and the amount of hours to make it work is wearing for her. She cooperates with a restaurant near by, they will have a meeting shortly about the spring, if it's going to be a continuation or not. 

Marianne is a very small fish competing for audience agains many booking companies and other, smaller arrangers and even if she is putting in the work just because she loves music and want to spread local music, there are limits to how much energy its allowed to "cost". I'm helping her  almost for nothing, making posters and helping during the concerts but my contribution is much less time consuming than hers. Time will tell what will happen in the future.

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