Marjorie's ramblings

By walkingMarj

THE cushion!

Margaret (across the road) has been visiting here and working on this cushion for about 18 months. She has been learning new stitches and Mum has helped her. It really was a mammoth task for a beginner.

The cushion is completed and she brought it for us to see now that the embroidery has been made into the cover. It is a terrific piece of work. We think it matches our furniture better than hers, but she is not going to leave it here.

My Californian friend, BJ, came this afternoon. It was lovely to have a good catch up. She is walking with the Intermediates and brought tales from those walks. The weather means that a lot of the walks have been very muddy during her visit, but she loves the group and the walks, so she has been a regular.

Tonight Mum and I watched one of the Ben Fogle series about the spirituality of the Scottish Islands. This one was Orkney so I saw a lot of places I have visited.

PS The referral about my hip has now gone to the Musculo Skeletal Team. I was referred to them in May this year and have yet to have a phone call or appointment. I am not hopeful. The Admissions team at the Nuffield Hospital say they are waiting for an email about me but there is nothing more they can do.

A decision has to be made tomorrow because the last day for a pre-assessment is Thursday.

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