
By pensionspoet

Iris folding

I woke early today. Packed up my bags and left just after 9. I picked up a bleary eyed Cameron on my way, from Manda's. I think they had barely 5 hours sleep as their party continued long after we left at 11.30. But Cam needed to be back at Uni in Norwich today, so I was the most obvious option.

Drove back getting to his digs by midday then home by 1pm.

Have spent the whole afternoon making Christmas cards from the templates we cut last week for the scout meeting, and the stairs of paper the scouts had already cut and I had rescued from the bin (I hate waste). I am super pleased with the 15 I have finished. I can make another 4. I will give them to my singing friends. Sorry if you haven't had a card from me. I started them at home last week, and finished them at mums at the weekend, but left my list behind. It wasn't deliberate and I'm not doing any more now!

Jon cooked dinner. It was lovely. He was very tired so I've sent hom to bed, and I'm now heading there myself.

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