Capital adventures

By marchmont


I was up fairly early, breakfast, some card writing and present wrapping and then off to drop off the old TV and get rid of the electricals at the dump. Can't back and cleaned out the car (bit of a worry there), lost my car keys (panic), found my car keys (relief), sorted the garden, sorted the cat litter and then it rained. 

N talks a lot but she was up late so I got a bit of peace. Rush to put tags on gifts and then changed to go to Roslin. It was still raining.

We had an ok meal and M and E joined us at the end.  Mum's walking is really wise. She can hardly hear weight at all and really needs the walker. However, I think she enjoyed herself. 

Home I eventually settled myself in front room and caught up with Hidden Assets, series 3 in the offing? And then Strictly. Sorry to see Annabelle go. 

Tomorrow packing and checking the car flap. Oh the excitement! 

Oh, and my visa came through. All that effort yesterday paid of. 

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