Living my dream

By Mima


I was feeling a bit lacklustre this morning, thanks to overcast weather and a tense phone call with #1 brother. It is Bill’s funeral (a cremation ceremony) on Wednesday lunchtime UK time, so the middle of the night here. 

#1 brother will be reading the words which I eventually honed and sent to him last week. His verdict? “It’s adequate.” I was slightly taken aback that he couldn’t give me any other feedback. However as we talked I realised he is wound up tight about the funeral and can barely speak about it. Every other topic under the sun was okay, but when I touched on the funeral he went silent and changed the subject. 

He is prone to obsessively rehearsing public speaking over and over again in his head, including everything that can possibly go wrong. It’s a terrible affliction and causes him much stress.

I forgave him the scant praise, because I am sure he will be more fulsome after the event when he can relax.

I decided that a good walk at Bortons Pond would lift my spirits and energy levels. It did the trick beautifully. It was sunny and  4 degrees warmer over there, so off came my top layer and on went the sunscreen. Bean loves running and snuffling about there. And as usual we saw nobody, despite it now being the summer holidays. Bliss.

We sat by the ford, half way around. And while Bean paddled, I took a few photos and watched her contentment. And her big bum, of which I snapped a shot…see the extra.

Once home I was full of zing, and got all but two things ticked off today’s list.

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