Sunrise over the sea

Depending on when I get up and take my walk, and on how clear the sky is, it’s the time of year where I get to see the sun quite low on the horizon. I know it’s not quite sunrise, but it makes a beautiful shot when the sky is clear. I think we have been very lucky this month with the weather. I can’t imagine every November such bright and clear mornings that are dry and pleasant to walk in. 

At work, there was a continuation of a number of meetings about  one of our projects. There was process meeting; a service assessment meeting and a status and delivery review meeting all on the same project today. We are spending a lot of time talking about this stuff.  The monthly product get together was much more fun because the team is a little bigger than it used to be, and it’s kind of interesting to hear what people have to say about the things they are working on. 

We decided, as the day has been so pleasant, to take another brief walk into Shanklin so that we could stop at a convenience store to pick up a little bit of milk. I’m not sure we were really going to run out tonight but it’s there for the morning and got us out of the flat at the end of the day.  I - definitely - could feel the chill in the air this evening, but I’m not sure that’s any different to any of the other times. I’ve been out walking early in the morning or later at night. It is November after all. 

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