Marjorie's ramblings

By walkingMarj

The first this season

Regular followers know that I have a passion for amaryllis flowers. I feed the bulbs all summer and the give a rest period before starting the off in the winter.

I would have preferred to start this year’s cohort in batches, but my operation date made this difficult.

This is the first one to flower: just in good time for Christmas Day.

I woke at 0600, made tea and stayed wide awake until 0715, after which I was dead to the world again. I was in the middle of a long, complicated nightmare when Joan woke me at 0845. It was one of those dreams you can remember, although why I was pushing a pre load of books over a flooded bridge in London is beyond me!!

I walked as far as the pub this morning. All good.

Later I chatted to a friend from Saltburn days. We haven’t seen each other or spoken for years. It was very good to hear his voice again; older, yes, but distinctive.

We had 2 hours on our own today and I made our evening meal. I confess that I left the clearing up for Joan…..

I’ve even packed a few parcels today and proposed a few cards up to make the place look a tad Christmassy.

I’ve started to watch Vigil - totally gripping from the very beginning.

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