a lifetime burning

By Sheol

Kite Flying Weather

We said goodbye to Jess this morning as she left to go windsurfing in what promised to be pretty stormy conditions later on today - there having been some discussion yesterday with one of her bridesmaids who also sails over the need to use the smallest possible sails.  There was also a very clear requirement to  "put on the big girl pants" - which is a metaphor and not an actual item of dress, in case you were unclear.  

Many years ago, when I was her age I too loved windsurfing and can still remember the nervous anxiety that came with bigger weather - although I have to say I don't think I ever sailed later than November and that was plenty cold enough for me.  She tells me that global warming means that it is probably warmer now than it was back in my day, and that's definitely a possibility - but even so, rather her than me.

Here's a shot of a red kite checking me out - I think it initially might not have seen me until nearly the last minute as I was standing in cover, and I think it was looking for a nice tasty vole or similar.

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