The accidental finding

By woodpeckers

Foxy Loxy*

As cool as a cucumber, as bold as brass, as handsome as only a fox can be, he strolled around our garden in broad daylight. Steve saw him later, heading towards the neighbours' garden. Uh-oh, they have chickens. Or at least they HAD. I haven't heard the dock crowing for ages, come to think of it. 

Foxy Loxy (whose nickname comes from the fable/well loved tale, Chicken Licken) was the highlight of my day, apart from retracing my journey to the Oxfam shop last week and reclaiming the key that I accidentally donated to them last week, inside a pocket on a bag! 

I did a shop for yet more stuff that I need for India. I dread to think how much I've spent! Managed to get everything, apart from a coin cell battery for my small luggage scale. Then I went home and had a practice pack. All is fine. I do need to unpack and do a bit of ironing, but the good news is that my summer-ish clothes still fit me, despite the weight gain that goes along with having a sedentary job and eating a lot of chocolate!  Speaking of exercise (or lack of ) S gave me a smart watch yesterday. According to its data, I've walked 10376 steps today. I know that if we're using my old pedometer, it would count the steps differently, but according to this one, I am winning!

We also put the Christmas stuff back in the loft, which is an ordeal in itself. I decided to give the Twelfth Night party a miss (the afternoon one that I attended yesterday, 24 hours early!) because we'd had a slow start and I was still shopping for tiny soaps and other stuff. There's now a rumour that we may need CoVid vaccination certificates for our domestic flights within India. My last jag/jab was four months ago, and I am pretty sure that the new variant wasn't a Thing then. 

Note to self: get Working Hands cream from office drawer. Thumbs are severely chapped already, and the thought of all that sanitiser is making them want to bleed!

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