An ordinary life....

By Damnonii

Favourite people...

As John and Norma were celebrating Christmas in a lovely hotel in Oban, today was the first chance we had to see them.  The Christmas decs should have started to come down but we decided to leave that job till the weekend so the house would still be festive for our get together.

It was a slightly bittersweet visit as Norma has recently been diagnosed with Alzheimers disease.  It wasn't really a surprise as she's become more and more forgetful over the last few months, but still devastating to have it confirmed.  She was on good form though and at times it was hard to believe her diagnosis but little signs were there.

Alan was of course over the moon to see them both and the feeling, as ever, was mutual.  

They enjoyed their dinner and and we had a lovely evening chatting then ended up watching a couple of episodes of Still Game.  That had us laughing heartily.

All through the evening I paused to take in the sight of them and the sound of them and really live in the moment in their company.  The start of a new year always makes me reflect on how quickly time is passing and I don't want to take a moment of our time with them for granted.  They are both very precious to us.  

I've said it before, but even with Norma's recent diagnosis, if D and I are as active and loving life as much as this pair in our late 80s, then life will be good and we'll be very, very lucky.

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