Life's Little Moments

By dbifulco

It Was Snowing Geese...

This morning I was enjoying my cup of tea in the living room when I heard the distinctive sound of geese over the house.  And not just any old geese, but Snow Geese!  I grabbed a camera, fiddled quickly with settings (completely forgetting to adjust the EC - duh!) and ran out ... where I stood mesmerized by the sight of what was probably over 1000 snow geese flying overhead skein after skein.  There is something so special about these birds and I am always thrilled when I see them.  I don't always get to record them for my yard list, but this year I can check them off.  While I wish the sky had been clear, there is a monochromatic quality to this that I kind of like.  

Snow Geese nest in the arctic and subarctic regions of N. America, Greenland and parts of Russia.  They migrate south as soon as their babies are ready to fly, the trip taking several months depending on how far south they travel.  In the winters in our area, they can be found in agriculture fields feeding on corn and whatever else they find, as well as in large fresh water bodies of water.  The young stay with their parents for up to a year, learning the migration patterns from their elders. By early March, they will be headed back north, stopping enroute to refuel and rest.  

I picked up my new scleral lens today and it's sitting comfortably in my right eye.  I thought it might need adjustment, but it feels like a perfect fit.  And while I was there, I ordered a year supply of single-use contacts for the left eye.  So, I'm all set.  

This afternoon I am heading over the a friend's house for tea and a visit.  Always enjoy spending time with her so looking forward to the visit.

Last night we watched "Bucket List" which we'd both seen when it first came out, and totally enjoyed again.  As I age, I have a deeper appreciation for things like bucket lists.  The realization that time is marching on and the time ahead of me is shorter than the time behind me.

I stopped at a local bakery and picked up some Macarons to take to my friend's house so I will have those instead of chocolate.  Although to be fair, one of the flavors I got is Red Velvet so there is some chocolate...


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