The accidental finding

By woodpeckers

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 Extract from one of the  wooden jigsaws I got for my birthday. This one has a 'frilly edge' and I never thought I'd get it finished in one evening. I watched a seminar about trauma; then a Netflix documentary about cats; now a two-parter documentary called Conviction, about an investigation by Inside Justice. 

The puzzle is complete, but I am still watching....
I may redo some of the older Wentworth puzzles. Of course there are hundreds of other things I Could be doing!

Today was the first day back at work that I felt really established and confident in my role.  Has taken me a while, after my holiday. I'm so.much better when I'm in the bigger office, but tomorrow I'll be back in the small space.

Very cold this evening, but no rain at all today, thank goodness. CleanSteve seems a little better today. 


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