Marjorie's ramblings

By walkingMarj

A more traditional Spring image!

The early morning rain was disheartening, but by the time Brian arrived at 1000, it had stopped. He kept it away by wearing waterproof trousers!

Brian is one of my walking group friends. It helps such a lot when one or more of them come to walk with me. We walked “around the block” which was 2.6 miles and I was pain free.

Not so good this afternoon, when I sat at the computer to process a few more from the Mart (two days ago). Frustrating.

As we came back through the village, I saw this early blossom and announced that it must be blackthorn. Brian checked the bark and knew it was something else. My plant app identified it as a Prunus. Very pretty.

Margret (next door) came to see us. We were looking forward to hearing about her musical mini break in York. The holiday was based in The Grand, which looks like a very grand hotel indeed.

The musicians had been excellent and the concert programmes were interesting and varied.

This evening, Margaret Soraya was online, talking about how she does her under water photography. She has published a book and had an exhibition of her images. At one point she saw my expression as she described being in the freezing sea. (She was accurate to predict that I will not be taking up outdoor swimming any time soon!!)

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