summer's awakening

HA so today was kinda' my last day at school before summer because of the fact I'm taking a spontaneous trip to london tomorrow for reasons I shall explain in the near future

my train is actually into the afternoon but i still have a lot to prepare before then ;)

i don't feel excited about summer yet, is that strange?

today was okay, calum not feeling too good overall today for various reasons. couple of arguments and a near to breaking point moment and we're fine, tomorrow will mark 4 months in our relationship aw


i think tomorrow calls for a blip between me and him, i'm so happy, we both are.. how cliché! i like the cheesiness and clichéd value of our relationships sometimes!

also went to dance class for a while after creating char's facebook, FINALLY! a friend said to me today - 'cheer up buttercup, it's summer!' and it made me smile so much! david, you are a ?

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