Life's Little Moments

By dbifulco


One of my great pleasures in life is reading.  My parents both were and are prolific readers and some of my earliest childhood memories involve having books read to me.  I learned to read at a young age and started my reading journey with Nancy Drew mysteries, The Black Stallion and other similar books.  I read to be entertained, to learn things, to be challenged and to broaden my thinking, and enjoy all kinds of genres, including thriller, mystery, natural science, history and even sci-fi sometimes.  Most of my books are on my kindle with the exception of books like this one.  I decided to track my reading on Goodreads this year and have already read 17 books.  

My favorite book last year was "The Invisible Child" a non-fiction book about a child who grew up in the welfare system in NYC.  It was shocking and sometimes sad, but also uplifting in ways I didn't expect - and it opened my eyes to aspects of the homeless crisis that I hadn't considered.  Also among my top reads last year were all the books in the Outlander series.  So many books I've read, and so many waiting to be read...

I've been ticking things off my "to do" list today.  Even went out and got my hair cut.  Unfortunately, I let the stylist convince me to go with layers and I already don't like it - but hair grows back and it isn't worth stressing about.  It's also shorter than I wanted - but, again, it will grow.  

Last night we watched "Finding Forrester" which was wonderful.  I liked everything about the movie and Sean Connery was at his best in it.  

Dark with almonds today.  And it is now 24 days until I leave for SA!!!


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