Brian's Bits

By Kanyl

Panic over!

      For LO these many Moons, well at least Weeks I've thought my PV panels were either dead, or on strike;  the Battery content NEVER climbed significantly above 10-12%.
      Today - YIPPEEeeee, all of a suddenly-like - 94%, though it has dropped again by 20:40;  I wonder if it's the" intermittent heater I have timed to keep the Living room above "Outdoor˚C .
      Unknown to me the "admin" of PV set-up has changed hands, with attendant ups & downs.  
     Under the "old" regime, I could see, at any time of day what was being. generated and what the entire day yielded; AND see, whenever I looked, how much the house was using, whether I was exporting any and how much I was generating.  With the "new" incumbents the "up" side  -  a tiny "Backhander" from time to time based on "saving"; over and above the regular FiT Payment (Feed in Tarif).  
The down side(s) - I can't get the same degree of info AND while Mk l was available on the Computer, for some inexplicable reason Mk ll is only available if you have an allegedly "smart" Phone.

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