RSD Photo's SoCal Life

By rsdphotography


Guanajuato was built with wealth from under the earth. There are 23 mines in and around the city and according to one source they were the world's largest producer of gold and silver for 250 years. Even today, most of the mines are still producing, albeit at a much more diminished level. Mina La Valenciana, located next door to an opulent, gold-encrusted church constructed by the mines first owner, allowed one to go into the earth. This shot is from approximately 280 steps underground, showing a drill replica and the stairs I had just descended. My personal guide was telling me all kinds of interesting facts, but without my wife to translate I only understood about 50% of what he was saying. I got that the original workers spent long hours underground for less than a peso a day and about 10,000 workers have gone through this mine since it started operation in 1760.

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