Pink Flowers

I'm having a bit of a blipless mojo thing today, everything I loaded was wrong...

So anyway, I've come up with these pink flowers. I have no idea what they are but they were seeds from a 'wildlife/bee friendly' pack. Unfortunately they seem to have attracted the wrong sort of wildlife with all the black bugs on them... Can anyone identify them?

Hopefully, I'm off out this evening to see our 'Minister in Training' preach. She and her husband are here just for that privilege before they head back to Scotland where she is training :) It will be great as I haven't been to church since my surgery, I haven't been well enough! Just waiting to get my lift confirmed, but I'm off to get ready very soon...

In other news Billy is not very well :(

I think I see an expensive trip to the vet tomorrow, because I allowed the insurance to lapse (I can't afford £200 just like that) so I need to find a cheaper one, typical!!

He's had an upset tummy in the litter tray two nights ago and then again last night :( Its very rare that he uses it, so he must have been desperate poor puss.... And now he's disappeared in the garden or next door and I can't find him all day, so hope he's just sitting in the shade somewhere.... Its plain cooked chicken for him tonight without biscuits or anything else (he likes it anyway)....and I keep a box in the freezer with ready prepared cooked chicken for him thankfully :)

Happy Sunday folks :)

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