An ordinary life....

By Damnonii

Happy New Holiday Haircut...

Well wonders will never cease! Asked Alan if I could photograph him today and he said yes! He even smiled on cue! Think he's rather taken with his new haircut, even though he didn't want any wax in it today.

Great night last night. The chicken Marengo (or chicken fandango as D kept calling it!) was fine but oh my, how it paled into insignificance against yesterday's oat cookies. They were very well received. Kenny thinks I should start selling them but the main test was Agnes and as soon as she smelled them she said they reminded her exactly of her gran's cookies and the taste test confirmed it. Job done :))

Not too long a lie in this morning as folks were heading off before lunch to do various things. I do love coming downstairs on a weekend when we have a house full of friends, to the sound of chatter and laughter in the kitchen and the smell of bacon cooking.

By 11.30 everyone was gone, including D who was playing golf with Adrian. Just Alan and I left. After lunch, Alan opted for a dvd. I finished clearing up the kitchen then did a pile of ironing. All Alan's stuff, most of it too small and heading for the charity shop. Time to take him clothes shopping I think.

Hope you're all having a good weekend xx

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