Everyday Life

By Julez


After breakfast today our first task was another visit to B&Q to have gloss paint mixed. There was a bit of a debate in the store about colours, but I eventually persuaded Brian that a darker shade of gloss would be better than one of similar depth to the paper. I failed to convince him that a matt effect would be better than gloss.

We encountered a problem when trying to apply the paint. Having assumed that gloss paint is oil based we had used an oil based undercoat. It transpired that the gloss is now water based, and it did not wish to stick to the base... 

I persevered and applied a first coat which I enjoyed doing even though it separated out in a weird way. Brian says it will be OK with a second coat... He is applying that as I type and so far, so good...

I feel a bit weird now - tired and woolly headed. Hopefully due to paint fumes! 

My photos of these little characters who are also woolly-headed from painting (woolly everything else too..!) were taken in the store, on Brian's mobile as I'd not bothered to take mine along. I have made a collage for a change!

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