An ordinary life....

By Damnonii

Easter Bunny Esme style...

It's been a quiet Easter not having our Skye friends visiting, I've just not had the energy for a week long visit, but knew I could manage a family day with careful planning and it all went well.

Ele and Jen arrived around 3pm.  Ele was carrying a massive wooden board covered in tin foil.  Once inside she removed the tin foil to reveal this amazing Easter Bunny cake :-)  She, Jen and Esme made it yesterday.

Andrew, Nikki, Esme and Bonnie the Greyhound arrived a little later.  Pots of coffee and tea were made and Esme proudly posed with her cake.  All of it edible apart from the bow tie as Ele thought she was buying a tube of icing to pipe a decoration on the bow tie, but it turned out to be red food colouring, so we thought that was best avoided!  The cake was delicious.  There really is nothing to beat homemade sponge cake.

We had a lovely day.  D and Esme enjoyed a fun game of Hide n Seek where he just couldn't find her.  She was hiding in the wardrobe in the small guest bedroom but he'd already looked in there and didn't see her.  Proof that unless whatever he's looking for is waving and shouting here I am he will never find it!

Dinner was easy and enjoyed then we all chilled out.  Lots of wedding chat.  Still a few things for Andrew and Nikki to organise and I reminded David again that if he wants to hire a kilt, he better get a move on!

Lola and Bonnie have developed a mutual understanding where Lola now realises Bonnie is not a bouncy dog and really just wants to snooze.  Bonnie accepts that Lola will be excited to see her when she arrives, but will ultimately give her space.  At times they just follow each other around, not doing anything, just wandering.  It's quite sweet.  

Esme hung out with Alan for a while watching the Scooby-Doo movie.  Very cute.

After a lazy evening we all headed off to bed just after midnight (Esme and Nikki headed upstairs before that :-) reminding each other that the clocks were going forward.

More pics in extras including Esme teaching me how to tie shoelaces :D 


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