
By carliewired

52F / 11 C

A cold wind on a 
very grey day - I see some 
signs of sprng here now


I was off to McArthur Island just before 8. It's a grey and chilly morning. I don't have much appetite for photos. 

As I drove into the park I saw a fellow walking his dog down on the dried out slough. It seemed very odd to see. I missed that photo. 

I managed to find a couple of spring flowers holding forth. They were welome bits of colour. 

I encountered several pairs of Canada geese around the park. I think they are going for world domination. 

I got a shot of my mountains looking across the playing fields. No marmots or deer anywhere to be seen. It was such a cold wind that I didn't venture far from my car. 

The seniors' bicycle brigade flew past me on their way to the foot bridge. They are difficult to catch at any time. I only got the tail end of the bunch today. 

The slough does not look inviting on the north side. The water is muddy and it is merely little ponds without a channel through to the river. 

I'm rushing off to a 10 AM appointment this morning. Then the rest of the day is mine. 

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