Living my dream

By Mima


It's Tuesday, so it must be a view from Cape Wanbrow: this time looking over Oamaru Harbour and the town. 

To my great relief I have found a new hairdresser who seems to know what she's doing, who charges a reasonable amount and who chats comfortably. My hair was falling in my eyes, looked bedraggled all over, and taking far too long to dry on cool mornings. But no more! Tracy has removed four months' growth and I am refreshed. It is amazing what a good haircut can do.

I wonder if the trees I've been pruning would feel the same way if they were able to express such things?

I also had my annual 'flu jab and was impressed to hear that 65 people were booked into the surgery for the same vaccination today alone. Are people suddenly taking illness more seriously? 

While I was waiting to be stabbed, my old GP (Dr R) walked past to collect his next patient from the waiting room. This is of note because, although he is only in his late 30s, he had a stroke last year and things were touch and go for a while. 

He is the absolute best GP I have had in years, and I was so pleased to see him I leapt up and said hello...much to his amusement. Apparently this has been happening quite a lot since he started back at work. 

To be fair, the GP I have seen in the interim has also proved to be very good, but there is something about Dr R's approach which reminds me so much of Dad's (he was also a GP) that I shall revert to him again now.

After the walk at Cape Wanbrow, the trip to town was nicely rounded off with delicious coffee and cake at the Blipping Macdubs, where Bean pretended to chase cats out of the garden so that we'd tell her how clever she was.

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