
By Grammy

Flowering Plum

It all started this morning because I dropped my tiny pill. Hubby came to help me look for it under the bed. Millie had tracked a bit of kitty litter under there but he saw no pill. Moved my suitcases, the night stand, etc. No pill. Hubby found the mop to get up the litter and saw the pill which was lodged at the edge of the bed post. With his artificial knee, it is hard for him to get down on the floor for a comprehensive look. Since everything was pulled out, hubby decided to vacuum. I saw some dust on the top of the window, curtains came down to be shaken. The ceiling fan was cleaned next. When all was said and done, the bedroom received its deep spring cleaning from top to bottom. Hubby vacuumed other rooms; I did two loads of laundry. Skylar came over after lunch so hubby could do her taxes. She’ll get back all she paid in since her income was tiny. I watered plants, cleaned the herb barrel and went to the front of our neighborhood to get photos of the flowering plums. They are so pretty this year. Hubby went to research a “find a grave” request. It is a beautiful spring day. The windows are open to bring in some fresh air. My allergies are terrible but I love having the windows open. We have a quiet evening planned. Hope the same is true for you. Stay safe. Thanks for visiting. Maybe I will get to all journals this evening if I can stay awake. “When the old plum tree blooms, the entire world blooms.” - DOGEN

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