Capital adventures

By marchmont

Theatre #3

It was a deliberately slow start to the day ( and a phone call to #1 son from my bed) as I wanted to be sure I was fully rested before I headed south. Took me two and three quarter hours and I was home at 1.30. Quite a lot of rain up north but it was dry at home. 

Had time to sort some financial info for the Board meeting. Turned out I was the only one online and I really want in the mood, especially with another recitation of times past. 

That finished at 5.15 when I unpacked and then headed to the Festival Theatre, bubbling into K, Kelly arrived from Italy on the way. Ate in the Café and #3 and H joined me. She's fine singing to her back. 

We were there to see Hamilton, tickets bought a year ago. Theatre was full and it was very good, some amazing singing. Luckily only had 5 mins to wait for a 37 so home just before 11. Been a long and varied day and I have a shedload of emails to catch up on. 

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